Available products (r:available-products)


The Available products (r:available-products) relation leads the way to the list of available Product (p:product) resources a User can subscribe to. The link is templated. Its optional variables allow for a geographical limitation of the search result, or to specify the requested category. The link is found on the API root (p:root).


  "_links": {
    "http://rels.goabout.com/available-products" : {
      "href" : "https://api.goabout.com/products{?fromhref,tohref}",
      "templated" : true


The profile of the linked resource is Products (p:products)

The link template uses the following variables:




The href of the location from which products should be available.


The href of the location to which products should be available.


The latitude of the top left corner of the rectangle inside which there should be branches at which the product is available.


The longitude of the top left corner of the rectangle inside which there should be branches at which the product is available.


The latitude of the bottom right corner of the rectangle inside which there should be branches at which the product is available.


The longitude of the bottom right corner of the rectangle inside which there should be branches at which the product is available.


The category of the products to be returned, which can be one of rentalbicycle, rentalcar or transportservice.

Either fromhref and tohref must both be set, or neither of them must be set. Likewise, either the 4 parameters tl_latitude, tl_longitude, br_latitude and br_longitude must all be set, or none of them must be set. Additionally, the 4 parameters tl_latitude, tl_longitude, br_latitude and br_longitude may not be set together with the 2 parameters fromhref and tohref.