Geodecoder Bounding Box (r:geodecoder-bbox)

The bounding-box relation indicates a templated link that can be used to find the all locations of certain types within a bounding box.

The link is found on the API root (p:root), and returns Locations (p:locations)

For now, the number of results is bounded to 500 items. This is an arbitrary limit. Client MUST NOT depend on it.


  "_links": {
    "" : {
      "href" : "{?tl_latitude,tl_longitude,br_latitude,br_longitude,types}",
      "templated" : true



tl_longitude:Double the longtitude of the top-left corner coordinate, that describes the bounding-box
tl_latitude:Double the latitude of the top-left corner coordinate, that describes the bounding-box
br_longitude:Double the longtitude of the bottom-right corner coordinate, that describes the bounding-box
br_latitude:Double the latitude of the bottom-right corner coordinate, that describes the bounding-box
types:Enum A comma-separated list of locations types to return. One of station, stop, city, street, postalCode, address, parking, park_and_ride, ov-fiets, mywheels, autohopper or snappcar.