Location (p:location)¶
A location is a specific point/place that can be used as the departure or arrival of a trip. Some locations have links to extra information. For example, transit stops have a link to the transit lines that stop there.
"type" : "station",
"label" : "Station Amsterdam Centraal",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.3789197836,
"longitude" : 4.90088939667
"code" : "asd",
"name" : "Amsterdam Centraal",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/4b95d4b4"
Locations come in different subtypes, such as addresses, cities or train stations.
Common properties:
- type
Enum The location type. One of station, trainStop, stop, city, street, postalCode, address, park_and_ride
- label
String A description of the location.
- coordinates
Coordinate An object containing the WGS 84 coordinates as latitude and longitude properties.
Train Station¶
A station is a railway station. This is the location used to indicate the entire structure, usually containing multiple trainStop`s. An actual train cannot stop at a station. It always stops at a `trainStop.
"type" : "station",
"label" : "Station Amsterdam Centraal",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.3789197836,
"longitude" : 4.90088939667
"code" : "asd",
"name" : "Amsterdam Centraal",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/4b95d4b4"
- code
Station code, as used by NS.
- name
Station name, as it appears on signs.
Train Stop¶
A trainStop is the platform where the actual vehicle halts at. This is the place where you can (dis)embark the train.
"type" : "trainStop",
"label" : "Station Amsterdam Centraal spoor 3a",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.3789197836,
"longitude" : 4.90088939667
"code" : "asd",
"platform" : "3a",
"changed" : false,
"name" : "Amsterdam Centraal",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/4b95d4b4"
- name
String Station name, as it appears on signs.
- code
String Station code, as used by NS.
- platform
String The name/number/code of the platform. Can contain alpha-numeric characters!
- change
Boolean [OPTIONAL][DEPRECATED] Whether the platform is different from originally planned.
A stop is a transit stop, that are usually located near roads and walkways. This type of location is used where tram, bus, subway but ferries also, stop.
"type" : "stop",
"label" : "Halte Prins Bernhardplein, Amsterdam",
"platform" : "A",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.3489445,
"longitude" : 4.9179475
"name" : "Prins Bernhardplein",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"_links" : {
"http://rels.goabout.com/routes" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83/routes"
"http://rels.goabout.com/stoptimes" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83/stoptimes{?interval}",
"templated" : true
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83"
- name
The stop name, as it appears on signs.
- city
The city the stop is in.
Routes (r:routes): Transit routes that stop here.
Stop times (r:stoptimes): Stoptimes of journeys that stop here within an interval.
A stopArea is a group of stops. The grouping usually consist out of stops that are the return stop for a route or stops that are located near each-other in a way that makes people regard them part of the same logical stop-system. (Like the bus stops just in front of the railway station; people don’t refer to them as individual stops, but as a system of stops.)
"type" : "stopArea",
"label" : "Halte Prins Bernhardplein, Amsterdam",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.3489445,
"longitude" : 4.9179475
"name" : "Prins Bernhardplein",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"_links" : {
"http://rels.goabout.com/routes" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83/routes"
"http://rels.goabout.com/stoptimes" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83/stoptimes{?interval}",
"templated" : true
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/stop/fa070e83"
- name
The stopArea name, as it appears on signs.
- city
The city the stop is in.
Routes (r:routes): A list of Transit routes that stop here.
Stop times (r:stoptimes): A list of Stoptimes of journeys that stop here within a date-time interval.
A city is a city or town. Cities do not necessarily correspond with municipalities. Keep in mind that the coordinates used for a city are somewhere whithin the city-limits, but not nessecaraly in the center.
"type" : "city",
"label" : "Amsterdam",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.37416215159466,
"longitude" : 4.896999951113575
"name" : "Amsterdam",
"province" : "Noord-Holland",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/city/9570"
- name
City name.
- province
Province name.
If the city name is not unique, the province code is appended to the label property but not the name property.
A street is a street or road. Only streets that have addresses on them will be returned by the Geocoder (r:geocoder).
"type" : "street",
"label" : "Robert Fruinlaan, Amsterdam",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.36370225513674,
"longitude" : 4.832252662936646
"street" : "Robert Fruinlaan",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/street/2c873038"
- street
The street name.
- city
The city name.
A postalcode is an “area”. Usually a subsection of a street, but not always.
"type" : "postalCode",
"label" : "Robert Fruinlaan 11-H, Amsterdam (10654 XV)",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.36373269272788,
"longitude" : 4.831077758791074
"postalCode" : "1065 XV",
"street" : "Robert Fruinlaan",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/address/8efd6ed9"
An address is a full address. e.g. somewhere you can send a postcard to.
"type" : "address",
"label" : "Robert Fruinlaan 11-H, Amsterdam",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.36373269272788,
"longitude" : 4.831077758791074
"street" : "Robert Fruinlaan",
"housenumber" : "11-H",
"postalCode" : "1065 XV",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/address/8efd6ed9"
- street
The street name.
- housenumber
The house number.
- postalCode
The postal, or zip, code.
- city
The city name.
A parking is a car park, in other words: some place where you can leave your car behind.
"type" : "parking",
"label" : "Dorpsstraat, Landsmeer",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.790924,
"longitude" : 6.119472
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/parking/8efd6ed9"
A park_and_ride is a car park that has one or more public transport stop nearby.
"type" : "park_and_ride",
"label" : "P+R Stationsplein, Steenwijk",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.790924,
"longitude" : 6.119472
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/park-and-ride/8efd6ed9"
A ov-fiets is a bike-rental-point, where you can get bikes if you have a subscription for the OV-Fiets.
"type" : "ov-fiets",
"name" : "Amsterdam Centraal",
"label" : "OV-Fiets Amsterdam Centraal",
"openingHoursText" : "maandag t/m vrijdag van 09:00 tot 17:00",
"description": "OV-Fieskluizen aanwezig",
"address": "Stationsplein 3",
"city": "Amsterdam",
"postalCode": "1234AB",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.790924,
"longitude" : 6.119472
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/ov-fiets/8efd6ed9"
- openingHoursText
A textual representation of the opening hours of this location.
- description
A description of what you can expect here.
- address
The address (Usually streetname plus housenumber)
- postalCode
The postal, or zip, code.
- city
String [OPTIONAL] The name of the city this ov-fiets location is in.
mywheels is a private car for rent. You can rent this care, using the MyWheels platform. Information about the car is included
"type" : "mywheels",
"label" : "Rita's Seat",
"brand" : "Seat",
"model" : "Leon",
"amountOfSeats" : "4",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"pictureHref" : "http://mywheels.nl/image-of-the-car.jpg",
"advertisement" : "Mooie Seat, spotgoedkoop, foo bar! <blink>NU HUREN!!!</blink>",
"pricing" : {
"reservationHref" : "https://goabout.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmywheels.nl%2Freservation%3Fcar%3Dfoo",
"moreInfoHref" : "https://goabout.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmywheels.nl%2Finfo%3Fcar%3Dfoo",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 52.790924,
"longitude" : 6.119472
"_links" : {
"profile": {
"href": "http://profiles.goabout.com/location"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/mywheels/8efd6ed9"
- brand
The brand of the car
- model
The specific model of the car
- amountOfSeats
… the amount of seats the car has.
- city
The city the car is located.
- pictureHref
A representational image of the car
- advertisement
A bit of html containing an advertisement about the car.
- reservationHref
The link you can follow to make a reservation for this car.
- moreInfoHref
A link with more information about the car.
- dayRate
The rate per 24 hours, and the maximum per 24 hours of usage.
- hourRate
The rate per hour of usage. If this amount exceeds the day rate, the day rate will be used.
- kilometerRate
The amount you pay for every kilometre driven. This is added to the total.
- fuelKilometerRate
The amount you pay for fuel, per kilometre. This is added to the total.
- hundredKilometersFree
Some cars have the first 100-kilometre for free.
You can rent cars at autohopper locations.
"type" : "autohopper",
"label" : "Autohopper Autobedrijf Manten",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 51.72542002,
"longitude" : 5.86794739
"name" : "Autobedrijf Manten",
"address" : "Lange Beijerd 15",
"city" : "Cuijk",
"province" : "Noord-Brabant",
"description" : "Huur een auto in Cuijk tegen een ongelooflijk lage prijs.",
"phoneNumber" : "0485-330543",
"postalCode" : "5431 NR",
"reservationHref" : "https://goabout.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autohopper.nl%2Flocaties%2Fautoverhuur-cuijk&utm_source=QN7P2gFSaGAnvGOG3kkz1aWC1z76%2F%2Fyk&utm_medium=geocoder&utm_term=reservation",
"openingHours" : {
"monday" : "op afspraak",
"tuesday" : "08:00-17:30",
"wednesday" : "08:00-17:30",
"thursday" : "08:00-17:30",
"friday" : "08:00-17:30",
"sunday" : "gesloten",
"saturday" : "09:00-14:00",
"remarks" : "-"
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/autohopper/026cd1bf"
- address
The address of this location
- city
The city of this location
- postalCode
The postal code for this location
- province
The province of this location
- description
A (short) description about this autohopper.
- phoneNumber
The phone number for this location
- reservationHref
The href at which you can make a reservation for cars
- mondag, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
the opening hours for this specific day
- remarks
a field containing free-flow remarks about the opening-hours.
You can rent snappcars from individuals.
"type" : "snappcar",
"label" : "Snappcar Renault van Ingrid",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 51.83797,
"longitude" : 5.870699
"name" : "Ingrid",
"pictureHref" : "http://www.snappcar.nl/image.aspx?ii=42693CFF-2CB2-4DAC-AD51-E44D69CBB35B&w=644&h=411",
"reservationHref" : "https://api.goabout.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.snappcar.nl%2Fauto-huren%2Fauto%2Fmodel%2F505C78F3-8A93-48A1-9B17-026EA0F80639%3Futm_source%3DGoAbout%26utm_medium%3DAPI%26utm_campaign%3DGoAbout-API&utm_source=QN7P2gFSaGAnvGOG3kkz1aWC1z76%2F%2Fyk&utm_medium=geocoder&utm_term=reservations",
"moreInfoHref" : "https://api.goabout.com/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoabout.com%2Fpages%2Fpremium-index%2Fsnappcar&utm_source=QN7P2gFSaGAnvGOG3kkz1aWC1z76%2F%2Fyk&utm_medium=geocoder&utm_term=information",
"pricing" : {
"dayRate" : 50.0,
"halfdayRate" : 25.0,
"freeKilometers" : 200,
"kilometerRate" : 0.1,
"minDriverAge" : 19
"vehicle" : {
"make" : "Renault",
"model" : "Mégane coupé-cabriolet",
"chassis" : "Cabriolet",
"year" : 2002,
"color" : "Grijs",
"seats" : 4,
"doors" : 2,
"transmission" : "manual",
"fuel" : "petrol"
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/snappcar/c0d77296"
- name
The name of the individual renting its car via the Snappcar platform
- pictureHref
A profile image of the car
- reservationHref
The link you can follow to make a reservation for this car.
- moreInfoHref
A link with more information about the car.
- dayRate
The rate for a full day
- halfdayRate
The rate for half a day
- freeKilometers
The amount of free kilometers
- kilometerRate
The rate per kilometer outside of the free kilometers
- minDriverAge
The minimum age of the driver renting the car
- make
The make of this car
- model
The model of this car
- chassis
The chassis of this car (sedan, station, cabriolet, etc.)
- year
The year this car was registered in the Netherlands. Usually the year of build.
- color
The color of the car
- seats
The amount of seats in the car, driver included.
- doors
The amount of passenger doors.
- transmission
One of manual or automatic.
- fuel
The fuel type of this car, one of petrol, diesel, LPG/CNG or electric/hybride
Rentalbicycle and Rentalcar¶
A place where you can either rent a bicycle or a car
"_embedded" : {
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"_links" : {
"http://rels.goabout.com/agency-branches" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/agency/1/branches"
"http://rels.goabout.com/agency-memberships" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/agency/1/memberships"
"http://rels.goabout.com/products" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/agency/1/products"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/agency/1"
"logoHref" : "https://goabout.com/pages/agency/agency.png",
"moreInfoHref" : "https://goabout.com/pages/agency/agency",
"name" : "Agency"
"_links" : {
"http://rels.goabout.com/agency" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/agency/1"
"http://rels.goabout.com/branch" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/branch/1"
"self" : {
"href" : "https://api.goabout.com/location/rentalcar/a34d53f"
"address" : "Prinsengracht 122",
"city" : "Amsterdam",
"coordinates" : {
"latitude" : 0.0,
"longitude" : 0.0
"label" : "Carrental place",
"moreInfoHref" : "https://api.goabout.com/locatie/agency/car-rental-place/Amsterdam/base64:aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuZ29hYm91dC5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC8xMQ",
"name" : "Carrental place",
"postalCode" : "1234AB",
"type" : "rentalcar"
Agency (r:agency): The agency operating this branch
Agency (r:branch): The actual branch this location links to. A location is a specific profile, the branch is connected to more than the location itself.