TripLeg (p:trip-leg)

A part of a Trip (p:trip), usually traversed using a single Mode.


  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : ""
    "": [ {
      "href": ""
    } ],
    "": [ {
      "href": ""
    } ],
  "departure" : "2013-12-16T10:12:00.000Z",
  "departureTime" : "2013-12-16T10:12:00.000Z",
  "scheduledDepartureTime" : "2013-12-16T10:12:00.000Z",
  "arrival" : "2013-12-16T10:18:39.000Z",
  "arrivalTime" : "2013-12-16T10:18:39.000Z",
  "scheduledArrivalTime" : "2013-12-16T10:18:39.000Z",
  "departureLocation" : {
    "type" : "street",
    "label" : "Beursplein, Amsterdam",
    "coordinates" : {
      "latitude" : 52.37460530588672,
      "longitude" : 4.895497175516921
    "street" : "Beursplein",
    "city" : "Amsterdam"
  "arrivalLocation" : {
    "type" : "street",
    "label" : "Stationsplein, Amsterdam",
    "coordinates" : {
      "latitude" : 52.37759095501316,
      "longitude" : 4.900266416974644
    "street" : "Stationsplein",
    "city" : "Amsterdam"
  "mode" : {
    "modeType" : "car",
    "name" : "Taxibedrijf TCA"
  "distance" : 522.0705836936742,
  "intermediateStops" : [ ],
  "shape" : "o}||Hwyd^hE{CCK",
  "subscriptionHrefs": [ "" ],
  "productHrefs": [ "" ],
  "selfHref" : ""



departure:DEPRECATED DateTime Scheduled Departure time
arrival:DEPRECATED DateTime Scheduled Arrival time
departureTime:DateTime Estimated Departure time, based on dynamic/realtime information.
 DateTime Scheduled Departure time.
departureDelay:String A semantic string, indicating the delay at departure. [1]
 Location (p:location) The location this leg departs from.
arrivalTime:DateTime Estimated arrival time, based on dynamic/realtime information.
 DateTime Scheduled Arrival time
arrivalDelay:String A semantic string, indicating the delay at arrival. [1]
 Location (p:location) The location this leg gets you to.
dynamic:Boolean If true, the answer is the result of planning with dynamic information.
mode:Mode The mode used during this leg.
distance:Double Distance traveled during this leg, empty for TRAIN legs, in meters.
 IntermediateStop[] The intermediate stops for this leg.
shape:PolyLine A shape, encoded as PolyLine
 DEPRECATED URI [OPTIONAL] The href to the reservation linked to this trip-leg
 DEPRECATED URI [OPTIONAL] The href to a subscription the user has, that can be used to make a reservation for this trip-leg.
productHrefs:DEPRECATED URI [OPTIONAL] The href to a product, that can be used to make a reservation for this trip-leg. Note that there the user needs to subscribe to this product first. The client :term:MAY subscribe the user on-the-fly while making a reservation.
selfHref:DEPRECATED URI Same as self-link. Here only to facilitate the need for trip-leg to be an entity, but it isn’t yet in context of a trip.
[1](1, 2) Something like “+3 min” for three minutes delay. Not guaranteed to be parse-able.